Future Schools Trust

Cornwallis Academy New Line Learning Academy The Trust Sixth Form Tiger Primary School Tiger Cubs Day Nursery


Future Trust Schools is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. The charitable company’s memorandum and articles of association are the primary governing documents of the academy trust.   

We’re recruiting for Governors & Trustees

The Role of Members  

Members are the custodians of the governance of the Trust and hold Trustees to account.   

The Role of Trustees  

Trustees are the accountable body for the performance of all academies within the Trust and as such must:     

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction  
  • Hold the executive to account for the educational performance of the schools and their pupils, and the performance management of staff  
  • Oversee the financial performance of the Trust and make sure its money is well spent 
  • Because Trustees are bound by both charity and company law, the terms ‘Trustees’ and ‘Directors’ are often used interchangeably.    

The role of Committees  

Trustees may establish committees either with delegated authority to make decisions or for the purpose of providing advice and support and their activities are reported to and discussed at Trustees’ meetings.  The responsibilities of Board committees are set out in their terms of reference and the Scheme of Delegation.   

The role of the Local Governing Body (LGB)   

Future Schools Trust Trustees have delegated some of its academy-level monitoring and scrutinising functions to Local Governance Committees (called Local Governing Bodies). The role of the LGB is important in providing focussed governance for each individual academy at a local level. Those appointed/elected to serve on LGBs are known as “Governors”.  A list of Governors and details of their interests and attendance can be found on each school’s website. 

The Local Governing Bodies meet at least six times a year. Governors also carry out regular visits to the school to meet staff, students and discuss developments in certain key areas. 

Chief Executive Officer  

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has the responsibility for the overall day to day management of the Academy Trust, including staffing, finance, conduct and discipline.  The CEO is also the appointed Accounting Officer with overall responsibility for the operation of Trust’s financial responsibilities and must ensure that the operation is run with financial effectiveness and stability, avoiding waste and securing value for money.  


The Headteacher is responsible for the day to day management of the academy and is managed by the CEO but reports to the LGB on matters which have been delegated to the LGB. 

The following downloads detail the responsibilities and commitments of Future Schools Trust Board of Directors:

Meetings Attendance – Future Schools Trust 2023-2024

Declarations – Future Schools Trust 2023-2024

Meetings Attendance – Cornwallis Academy 2023-2024

Declarations – Cornwallis Academy 2023-2024

Meetings Attendance – New Line Learning Academy 2023-2024

Declarations – New Line Learning Academy 2023-2024

Meetings Attendance – Tiger Primary School 2023-2024

Declarations – Tiger Primary School 2023-2024

Declarations - Future Schools Trust 2024-2025

Contact the Board

If you wish to contact the Members, Trustees or Local Governors or you have any queries concerning governance at the Trust or its Academies, please email: elizabeth.liffen@futureschoolstrust.com who will forward your message onto the relevant person. Alternatively, you may write to

Elizabeth Liffen
Future Schools Trust Governance Professional,
New Line Learning Academy,
Boughton Lane,
ME15 9QL

Governance Documents and Scheme of Delegation 

Memorandum of Association

Articles of Association

Scheme of Delegation – 2023-2024