Future Schools Trust

Cornwallis Academy New Line Learning Academy The Trust Sixth Form Tiger Primary School Tiger Cubs Day Nursery

Join as a Governor or Trustee

We’re looking to appoint new Governors & Trustees

Could you be a trustee or school governor?

  • Are you inspired by children’s abilities and creativity?
  • Do you want to help your community?
  • Do you have the motivation to question and analyse?

If you said ‘yes’ to any of these questions – have you considered being a trustee or school governor? The experience can be both stimulating and rewarding, as well as providing a vital part of the management of a school. Trustees bring professional skills and experience to the table to set strategic direction, manage resources and hold managers to account.

Governors on Local Governing Boards represent parent and staff voices, the economic and cultural diversity of the community and listen to pupils. The benefits include:

  • An opportunity to share or develop your professional skills and experience e.g. chairing, team building, accountability
  • Working with people who want to make a difference and networking within your local community.
  • Supporting schools to make an impact on the life choices of young people, helping children from all backgrounds to succeed.

The Board of Trustees is the legal and accountable body for the performance of schools and their primary function is to:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Hold the CEO to account for educational performance and the performance and management of staff.
  • Oversee the financial performance of the trust or maintained school.
  • Hold Local Stakeholder Boards or Governor Committees to account.

The Local Governing Bodies have delegated responsibilities for academy level monitoring that include:

  • Act as a critical friend to the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team providing support and challenge as appropriate.
  • Hold the Head to account for educational performance of the school and monitor teaching to ensure high quality delivery.
  • Monitor provision of careers advice provision.
  • Ensure effective support for pupil attendance.
  • Monitor progress and standards for those pupils with special educational needs, English as and additional language, those who receive pupil premium funding and other vulnerable groups to ensure effective delivery.
  • Ensure that the voices of stakeholders (staff, pupils, parents and the wider community) are heard and shared during decision making.
  • Monitor health and safety.

The Trust Board usually meet four times a year and have a number of committees which also meet at four times throughout the year. The Local Governing Bodies meet four times a year and hold monitoring visits within the schools throughout the year.

Trustees and governors must be committed to getting to know the schools they serve, which involves visiting to see what goes on, as well as attending events to meet staff and parents, such as school performances, parent consultation evenings. All governors are volunteers and the time commitment expected is quite significant. Some employers may give ‘reasonable time off’ to employees to undertake duties, although this may or may not be with pay. Most governors serve a four-year term of office.

Find out more, please email elizabeth.liffen@futureschoolstrust.com