Future Schools Trust

Cornwallis Academy New Line Learning Academy The Trust Sixth Form Tiger Primary School Tiger Cubs Day Nursery

About Us

At FST, we love working with young people and keeping our schools strong, healthy, and engaged is key to our successes.  We are proud to provide an all-inclusive education with a strong moral purpose to deliver the best possible education to the community it serves. Respect, Integrity, Resilience, Strong work ethic, collaboration and Equality are the key values of our Trust. 

Whilst we are ambitious, we are driven by improving opportunities for our young people and staff.  Our community is the heart of FST.  Therefore, we recognise the need for flexibility and bespoke support which is why we value building trust with each other rather than a “one size fits all” approach.  

We are increasingly focusing on our people culture, working hard to support the wellbeing of our staff and to find ways of making working in education as attractive as possible.  


Our Values

Integrity - We pride ourselves for our honesty and strong moral purpose.

Respect - We pride ourselves for respecting all members of our community.

Resilience - We embrace challenges and are highly aspirational.

Strong Work Ethic - We celebrate the rewards of all our hard work

Collaboration - We believe that schools are stronger when they work together and in harmony with their community and beyond

Equality - Each member of our community is given equal opportunities regardless of their circumstances


The best interests of young people guide every ambition and decision we take. We are passionate in our belief that schools are stronger when they work together whilst being proud and protective of the unique identity of each of our schools in the Trust. Maintaining a strong moral purpose and supportive but challenging culture is central to everything we aim to achieve. 

We pledge to:

  • Ensure all our students are happy and achieve their potential
  • Continuously develop and promote excellent Teaching and Learning
  • Provide opportunities which broaden students’ horizon
  • Continuously develop positive relationships with all members of our local community
  • Nurture a safe and engaging environment in which we all thrive