Future Schools Trust

Cornwallis Academy New Line Learning Academy The Trust Sixth Form Tiger Primary School Tiger Cubs Day Nursery

Tiger Cubs Day Nursery

Welcome to Tiger Cubs Day Nursery, a place where your child can play and develop in nurturing, secure and inspiring surroundings.

At Tiger Cubs Day Nursery, we are dedicated to meeting the needs of the children in our care, as well as their families. To ensure we provide the very best service, we strive to achieve the goals set by the national Early Years Foundation Stage; to provide a safe, warm, loving and caring environment where your child can progress steadily through the various stages of development and be ready for their next stage in life – school.

All of our staff are fully qualified professionals and share the values and ethos of our nursery. With the help of parents and carers, the team get to know the children’s individual needs and quickly form strong emotional and valuable bonds, which helps to ensure a smooth settling in process.

At Tiger Cubs Day Nursery, you can be confident your child is happy, safe, well-cared for and stimulated at all times.

We look forward to welcoming you.

For more on Tiger Cubs Day Nursery, please visit the website:
